Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/14/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: 11.0 CONSENT AGENDA
Type: Action
Subject: Bills and Payroll
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
Summary: Be It Resolved By the Board of Education, School District No. 60, in the County of Pueblo Colorado, that checks numbered as shown on the bills list dated April 2024, which are attached hereto and made a part of these official minutes by reference aggregating $5,739,172.06 and check numbers 11023954 - 1024371 and 1024381 - 1024526. Included are check numbers 1024372 - 1024380 and 1024527 - 1024549 which were issued as April 30, 2024 payroll as authorized by designated administrators and reviewed by the Treasurer of the Board are hereby approved as issued.

Be It Further Resolved By the Board of Education, School District No. 60, In The County of Pueblo Colorado, that payrolls for employees for April 2024, aggregating $6,314,249.02 for direct deposit check numbers 1935568 - 1037676 and check numbers 370544 - 370545 issued for April 30, 2024, which have been authorized by designated administrators and reviewed by the Treasurer of the Board are hereby approved as issued.
Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the Bills & Payroll Resolution as presented in the May 14, 2024 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Geri Patrone - Secretary of the Board
Signed By:
David Horner - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:
Charlotte Macaluso - Superintendent