Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/27/2024 - 5:30 PM
Category: 11.0 CONSENT AGENDA
Type: Action
Subject: Capital Projects: Design-Build Project Development for the Kitchen Flooring Repairs at Heaton Middle School
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
Summary: The Board of Education is asked to approve an expenditure of $279,013 from the Capital Projects Fund for the kitchen floor repairs at Heaton Middle School. The amount includes a 10% contingency. Chris Coulter is the Administrator in charge.
Funding: The project will be funded from the 24/25 Capital Projects Fund.
Recommendation: The Board of Education approves an expenditure of $279,013 and appropriates the funds from the Capital Projects Fund as presented in the June 27, 2024 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Chris Coulter - Executive Director of Facilities and Construction Management
Signed By:
David Horner - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:
Charlotte Macaluso - Superintendent