Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/14/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: 5.0 RECOGNITION
Type: Info
Subject: Recognition of 2024 ASCENT Program Students (Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment)
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
Summary: The Board of Education is asked to give recognition to the 2024 ASCENT Program students, who have successfully completed their first year of college through the ASCENT Program.

Kaylani Saucillo, Centennial High School
Harmony Muniz, Central High School
Roddy Vigil, Central High School
Genesis Vellarreal Vallejo, Central High School
Emmanuel Alcala Sanchez, South High School
Rahel Gredin, South High School
Davian Saiz, South High School
Trevor Trejo, South High School

ASCENT is a fifth-year high school program that allows students to participate in concurrent enrollment the year after 12th grade. ASCENT provides an accelerated opportunity for students to earn a post-secondary credential, helping students develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be post-secondary and workforce ready.
Recommendation: The Board of Education gives recognition to the 2024 ASCENT Program students, who have successfully completed their first year of college through the ASCENT Program, as presented May 14, 2024 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Marci Imes - Executive Director of Secondary Education & CTE
Signed By:
Ted Johnson - Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning
Signed By:
Charlotte Macaluso - Superintendent