Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/11/2025 - 5:30 PM
Category: 10.0 POLICY
Type: Info
Subject: Board Policies JBB, Sex-based Harassment; JICDE, Bullying Prevention and Education; JFBA, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment and JFBB, Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment---First Readings
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
JBB (redline)_CERev (2025.02.02).pdf
JICDE Bullying Prevention and Education (CE redline 2025.02.24).pdf
JFBA Intra-District Choice_Open Enrollment (CE rev redline 2024.02.27)-v1 4884-9857-7833 v.pdf
JFBB Inter-District Choice_Open Enrollment (CE rev redline 2024.02.27)-v1.pdf
Summary: The Board of Education is asked to review the modifications to Board Policies JBB, Sex-based Harassment; JICDE, Bullying Prevention and Education; JFBA, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment and JFBB, Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment, and recommend any changes for second and final readings.
Recommendation: The Board of Education is asked to review the modifications to Board Policies JBB, Sex-based Harassment; JICDE, Bullying Prevention and Education; JFBA, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment and JFBB, Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment, and recommend any changes for second and final readings as presented in the March 11, 2025 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Ted Johnson - Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning
Signed By:
Dr. Barbara Kimzey - Superintendent