Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/11/2022 - 2:00 PM
Category: 11.0 CONSENT AGENDA
Type: Action
Subject: Emergency Intercom Replacement - Irving Elementary School
Public Address System - Administration Building
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
Summary: The Board of Education is asked to approve the expenditure in the not to exceed amount of $155,000 for the emergency replacement of the Intercom System at Irving Elementary School and the Public Address System at the Administration Building.
Funding: Capital Expenditure: NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT $155,000
Irving Intercom
23-43-699-00-2840-0734-000-0000 - Wesco/Anixter = $69,629 (final quote pending)
23-43-699-00-2840-0432-000-0000 - KBL = $23,400
(contingency amount = $2,000)
Administration Building
23-43-699-00-2840-0734-000-0000 - Wesco/Anixter = $44,571
23-43-699-00-2840-0432-000-0000 - KBL = $13,400
(contingency amount = $2,000)
Recommendation: The Board of Education approves an expenditure in the not to exceed amount of $155,000 for Irving Elementary School and the Administration Building and appropriates the funds from the Capital Projects Fund as presented in the August 11, 2022 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Tom Sanford - Director of Technology
Signed By:
David Horner - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:
Charlotte Macaluso - Superintendent