Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
4/23/2024 - 5:30 PM  
2024 National School Nurse Day Proclamation  
Strategic Plan Alignment:
File Attachment:
National School Nurse Day Proclamation
May 8, 2024
Whereas, students are the future and, by investing in them today,
we are ensuring our world for tomorrow; and
Whereas, families deserve to feel confident that their children will be
cared for when they are at school; and
Whereas, all students have a right to have their physical and mental
health needs safely met while in the school setting; and
Whereas, students today face more complex and life-threatening
health problems requiring care in school; and
Whereas, school nurses have served a critical role in improving
public health and in ensuring student’s academic success for more
than 120 years; and
Whereas, school nurses are professional nurses that advance the
well-being, academic success, and life-long achievements of all
students by serving on the front lines and providing a critical safety
net for our nation's most fragile children: and
Whereas, school nurses act as a liaison to the school community,
families, and healthcare providers on behalf of children’s health by
promoting wellness and improving health outcomes for our school’s
children; and
Whereas, school nurses support the health and educational success
of children and youth by providing access to care when children’s
cognitive development is at its peak; and
Whereas, school nurses are members of school-based teams (e.g.,
school health services, 504/ IEP, disaster/emergency planning) to
address the school population; and
Whereas, school nurses understand the link between health and
learning and are in a position to make a positive difference for
children every day; now
Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Pueblo School District No. 60
Board of Education does hereby proclaim Wednesday, May 8, 2024,
as National School Nurse Day.
The Board of Education adopts the resolution recognizing May 8,
2024 as National School Nurse Day as presented in the April 23,
2024 Board materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Sandy Gecewicz - Executive Director Exceptional Student Services
Signed By:  
Charlotte Macaluso - Superintendent